CIRCOR offers a range of reliable pilots and accessories. Designed for accuracy in fluid, air, vapor, and gas applications, our pilots work in conjunction with the regulator line, allowing for customized configurations.
Aerodyne Controls
Custom Housing, Acceleration Switches
Aerodyne Controls
TO-18 Extended, Acceleration Switches
Aerodyne Controls
TO-18 Standard, Acceleration Switches
Aerodyne Controls
TO-5 Extended, Acceleration Switches
Aerodyne Controls
CVR Shutoff Switch, Impact Switches
Aerodyne Controls
Impact Switch, Impact Switches
Aerodyne Controls
Environmentally Sealed, Impact Switches
Aerodyne Controls
Emergency Lighting, Impact Switches
Aerodyne Controls
TO-18 Conical, Impact Switches
Aerodyne Controls
TO-18 Standard, Impact Switches
Aerodyne Controls
Elevator Free Fall Switch, Inertia Switches
Aerodyne Controls